Why Ruin Life With Children?

Originally posted on Myspace and reposted on facebook, I want to get everything on one page…

Originally titled:

Why in this “me” generation would I want to ruin life by having children?

I have always assumed I would have children because my parents and relatives have them and it’s what I know. Some very smart, capable and generous people that I love have decided not to have kids…but why?

Why would I bring such a burden into my life? Time, money, hassle and headache…why subject myself?

When I close my eyes and let my heart speak, my concerns fade away and I envision a partnership between my future wife and I that is embodied in our children. I see the way our genetic code is combined in theirs, the way our personalities both influence them, the way we cooperate to raise them and how we as a team together and interactively maintain a healthy central blueprint for us all. I know together we will teach them to be better than we could ever be – healthier – happier – more confident and with ease. We will appreciate their greatness but never expect anything of them. Our love, a mix of clay and water, fired on high by the searing coils of life and by the trials of a terrible world will bear children unbreakable and beautiful, greater than the sum of their parts, greater than the sum of their parents’ lives, personalities, genes and experiences. The manifestation: powerful forces with the capacity to change all points of contact, moments and spheres of interaction with the hard sharpened tools of the next iteration, the bigger step, the evolution of both their parent’s lives…

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Why Ruin Life With Children?, 8.4 out of 10 based on 12 ratings

1 Response to “Why Ruin Life With Children?”

  1. Emma Stromback

    Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/intrif5/public_html/wp-content/plugins/gd-star-rating/code/blg/frontend.php on line 705

    I think u r a loving and kind person and u have a warm heart (:U r the most loving kindest person on the earth and i hope u find happiness and luck in the future times

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