Archive for the 'Affect Theory and Brain Fitness' Category

Life is Too Short

Life Is Too Short Not To Kiss Beautiful Girls

A fan of the Bachelor series messaged me the other day on Facebook: “You’re very handsome, I would love to go out with you or have you…you should train me :).”

My first reaction was to click on her photo (I am warm-blooded after all) but I thought twice and messaged her back with a diatribe about why I never date my clients. Never have, never will.

The rules we create for ourselves are the only rules we know are real.

The increasing permissiveness in our social environment simultaneously interests and infuriates me. Are these “social media sluts” making choices out of solipsistic narcissism or are they at peace with their wants and acting without fear? I pine for facile lucidity when struggling with my own desires. I’m perpetually caught between action and thought but how do I break free? (That paragraph was for you Ken.)

Claire (not her real name), an x-client, had a gym fan-base who would schedule their workouts around her training times with me. She caused a scene just by walking in the door. They would all come up and ask her Continue reading ‘Life is Too Short’

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Love Lost and Forever

Almost 10 years ago I lost out on true love’s game-show of life. In my defense, at the time, I didn’t even know that I was playing.

I was searching through my old files over Christmas break and stumbled upon this gem. I have protected her identity by calling her Girlfriend X. The letter and introduction is painful to read but miraculously it ends with a pleasant poem…


Friday, April 20, 2001

Hi Girlfriend X…

It seems our conversations on the phone haven’t been all that great for some time now. Snail mail seems much more personal these days. I was up late last night reading and thought I would write you a little note. Besides that I can’t email you since you are too important to give lowly pedestrian me your super-top-priority email address…just kidding cutie. Well here goes:

I will be honest…I was angry and disappointed with you for a little while. I wondered why you were doing the thing you were doing in the manner in which you were doing it. It seemed contrary to everything I have always known and loved about you. But now it is over and done. We cannot go back and change anything that has happened. You have been my friend or companion for more than five years, the majority of my adult life. I realize that being angry and not being there for you when you need someone is to neglect all that I have learned from and loved about you. I needed you to be there for me last summer and fall. I needed you to Continue reading ‘Love Lost and Forever’

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