Everyone is Faking It

When I was a kid I thought all grown-ups knew everything.

As a teenager I thought doctors knew everything.

Until college I thought massage and physical therapists knew everything about the muscles and tissue.

Until the last few years I thought that all psychiatrists and psychologists knew everything about human thought and why we act.

Until today I thought people in TV were the only ones who could create something smart enough to be produced.

They are all faking it.

They’re all faking it, every last one of them. Some, like doctors, are trained to fake it. It’s actually a fundamental part of their internship and residency training; they are taught to always be right, even when they are clueless and getting it totally wrong.

If they’re all faking it, why shouldn’t I fake it too?

I could fake it as an expert strength coach, nutritionist, fitness expert, myofacial release specialist, psychologist, meditation teacher or sports-performance specialist.

I’m skilled in all these different realms. I might be better than the self-proclaimed “experts” on TV, the web or in professional practice.

Until today I had never given myself permission to own my own worth. This thought train started this morning and then crashed violently while I was on the airplane writing workouts to post to this site. As  I sat typing sets and reps I had an idea, a good, light-bulb idea for a new reality show. It could rival and dominate The Biggest Loser. It is not only more compelling but smarter, uses proper exercise techniques and best of all is 1000x more important.

During the flight I sat and created an outline for an entire season of shows. I was awestruck at how easy it was to come up with unique and innovative content for a TV show. I thought it would be hard. As it turns out TV people are just faking it too.

When I look objectively at my life I realize that I am good in ways I cannot see while standing behind the mask. All I had to do was say yes; yes to letting down the wall, the wall I’ve built out of fears. I don’t want to be scared of myself anymore. I want to break free and become the passion-driven leader that I have always wanted to be. It feels good to give myself permission to be great. I have new resolve and life and feel propelled forward by it.

So are you faking it? If no, why not?

Give yourself permission to own your talents, your vision, your uniqueness. What is it that you love? What deep driving passion within you that if unearthed would change your life and the lives of those around you?

Let go of your fear that your worth isn’t worthy. You have the power to let others in or to hold them away. Shift your perspective to the inside-out.

The wall between you and your intrinsic gifts is ethereal. Walk through the fog of fear and realize that on the other side there is no limit, no wall; retrieve your passions and assets from the waste basket of your life and take time to listen without distress. Do it only for yourself. Open your mind and heart to your truth – allow your gifts to be free and to thrive without boundary; let your passion lead and your intrinsic-self will arise unbreakable.

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Everyone is Faking It, 9.1 out of 10 based on 11 ratings

5 Responses to “Everyone is Faking It”

  1. Cornell Woolridge

    Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/intrif5/public_html/wp-content/plugins/gd-star-rating/code/blg/frontend.php on line 705

    Well said Brian. I’ve been having moments like this for the last year as I have been doing a lot of necessary personal work. All we gave to do is say yes everyday to what we want to be and do and as long as there is truth in those things, our desires will be revealed to us. Good luck on you new path, I can tell you from experience, life will never be the same.

    Take care,


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  2. elana

    Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/intrif5/public_html/wp-content/plugins/gd-star-rating/code/blg/frontend.php on line 705

    not sure how owning your own worth relates to faking it. having to tear down other fields/experts in order to build yourself up does not sound inspirational, at least to me. maybe it is true that people fake it, but isn’t it a bit of a projection? some people don’t fake it. some people always do, always have, always will (with their fields of work, people, themselves). Perhaps others understand the more complex nuances of “truth” in their respective fields of choice or in life, and do not pretend to have all the answers. Perhaps it was merely your subjective understanding that “they” have all the answers, athough I agree that one is led to think this way in our society. obtaining knowledge, training, and having experience may lead some people to call themselves experts. does that mean they are faking it? if you have knowledge, interest, experience, why do you have to compare yourself to others in order to fulfill your dream? stick with the positives of this writing, and the inspiration and positive message comes through. just my 2 cents.

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  3. Brian Westendorf

    Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/intrif5/public_html/wp-content/plugins/gd-star-rating/code/blg/frontend.php on line 705


    you wrote:
    “not sure how owning your own worth relates to faking it.”
    -Realizing that our perceived world is a construct based on varied sources and streams of stimuli and can, if we let it, limit our worth through comparison to idealized models in our milieu.

    ” having to tear down other fields/experts in order to build yourself up does not sound inspirational, at least to me.”
    -I tried to convey exactly the opposite, did you read to the end? Others who believe in themselves are leading the way, I want to believe in myself and own my gifts. I hope others can see their limits as scalable walls and do the same.

    “maybe it is true that people fake it, but isn’t it a bit of a projection?”
    -It’s metaphoric language meant to hook and help create contrast.

    “some people don’t fake it. some people always do, always have, always will (with their fields of work, people, themselves). Perhaps others understand the more complex nuances of “truth” in their respective fields of choice or in life, and do not pretend to have all the answers. Perhaps it was merely your subjective understanding that “they” have all the answers, athough I agree that one is led to think this way in our society.”
    -You come around and make my point! Yes! We can be lead to “think” that! Nobody has all the answers and thinking that our models do sets us up to fail.

    ” obtaining knowledge, training, and having experience may lead some people to call themselves experts. does that mean they are faking it? if you have knowledge, interest, experience, why do you have to compare yourself to others in order to fulfill your dream? ”
    -Those who do the work and have the ability and experience are surely experts. “Faking it” refers to self-confidence that derives from a deep source of belief in one’s own intrinsic worth, I didn’t mean to imply they are actually “cheating” or “faking” everything they do…you may have missed the entire point.

    ” if you have knowledge, interest, experience, why do you have to compare yourself to others in order to fulfill your dream? stick with the positives of this writing, and the inspiration and positive message comes through. just my 2 cents.”
    -My dream is to free myself from those comparisons. That is my struggle and the reason why I write and talk about this rocky path. The positives are all at the end 😉 Meant to convey my transformation through the message.

    I appreciate your comments! I love having a dialog about these ideas, it makes me think again about how different they sound in my head and how other people perceive them when they read them.

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  4. tabetha

    Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/intrif5/public_html/wp-content/plugins/gd-star-rating/code/blg/frontend.php on line 705


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  5. chris bradshaw

    Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/intrif5/public_html/wp-content/plugins/gd-star-rating/code/blg/frontend.php on line 705

    Brian the Beastly one, I applaud you and admire you. I, too, have struggle with this but have been focusing on that inner-passion to go with what I’ve always wanted to do. I just haven’t figure out how, or had the guts to pull the safety out from the trigger to get me going on my plans/goals. Let me know how I can help or bounce ideas off of each other. Oh, and Go Frogs!

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